November 29th, 2021

Galadin and his owl continue cautiously down the narrow hallway. Galadin realizes that the odor is familiar. Very familiar, in fact. As the body of the dead troll and several troglodytes come into view where they lay on the banks of the sewer chamber, Galadin makes the connection: This is the place where King Dugong and his manatee subjects were held captive! Of course!

While Galadin does not hear the stealthy approach of footsteps, his faithful owl, Big Boy, alerts him to impending danger. Galadin only just jumps back, confronted with an angry hobgoblin. The creature swings his longsword, injuring Galadin slightly. He responds by snapping a Firebolt spell at the hobgoblin before sending his owl back up the hall and out of danger. Unfortunately, Galadin’s searing bolt ricochets off the wall and is extinguished in the pool of sewer water behind his target. Curses! The hobgoblin is now joined by his ally, and Galadin begins to worry.

Behind him, Fenmyar launches three sling bullets in rapid succession at the hobgoblins. The armor the cursed creatures wear protects them from any real damage. Curses! Weighing his options, Fenmyar summons the cantrip Shape Water to encase the head of a very surprised hobgoblin in a floating orb of filthy liquid, which rises up from out of the sewer. Yuck!

Dramatis Personnae

Calista (Reni)

Fenmyar (Freddie)

Galadin (Andrew)

Jakama (Rowan)

Lexomel (Rex)

Obsidian (Jase)

agginmad on Reddit

Next to Fenmyar, Lexomel heaves his Javelin of Lightning as he enters the tunnel. He launches this amazing magical weapon towards his wide-eyed target. The javelin crackles and sparks as it sails towards the hobgoblin, casting spooky illumination throughout the rough hewn slimey stone tunnel. Unfortunately, the hobgoblin is able to dodge the projectile. The javelin plunges with an explosive electrical splash into the mud at the bottom of the smelly sewer’s pool. Only its end remains visible above the surface of the now steaming water.

The steely gaze the hobgoblin locks on Lexomel in response turns to uncertainty as Lexomel draws a second magical weapon. As he slides the Dagger of Firey Vengeance from its ornate scabbard, the blade ignites with a flicking orange flame along its exposed length. The amazing weapon finds its mark, and the hobgoblin drops. Unfortunately, the cube of water around the hobgoblin’s head extinguishes the dagger’s magic, and the filthy water loses its shape as the boundary of the spell’s magic is breached.

His infuriated ally steps over this fallen comrade to meet Paderick, the orc bouncer from the Skewered Dragon. Paderick has pushed into the tunnel and confronts these enemies. With a mighty swing of his short sword, Paderick misses! Yikes! The hobgoblin snarls and strikes poor Paderick down. Slumping to the floor, Paderick is perilously near death! Will someone be able to bind his wounds before….well, the end?

Aarchaic on Deviant Art

The hobgoblin steps over Paderick’s body and enters the tomb chamber. Fenmyar’s twin spells, Gust of Wind and Unseen Servant, travel towards the hobgoblin in rapid succession. Unfortunately, the hobgoblin resists them both, either from being pushed over or having his weapon pulled away from him.

D. Alexander

Meanwhile, in the tunnel, Fenmyar’s brave golden eagle, Jeff the Sandwich, soars up the hall towards Yagra. Unfortunately for Jeff, he is moving so rapidly he fails to notice three threatening figures emerging from a door to the west. Yikes! 

Fortunately, Calista’s bird, Nuggies, and their orcish ally, Yagra, have followed Jeff and spy the danger. Yagra cries out a warning and Nuggies darts into the stone chamber to the east, hoping to stay out of striking distance. Yagra is quickly overwhelmed by foes. Two mass hobgoblins rise up behind a duergar, a stout armed and armored dark dwarf, fall upon her. Her mace is no defense against three as she sustains the blows from such powerful enemies. Yagra desperately calls out again to her allies.  Who will come to help?

November 15th, 2021

Co-authored by Rowan and Dee
Dramatis Personnae

Fenmyar (Freddie)

Galadin (Andrew)

Jakama (Rowan)

Lexomel (Rex)

Obsidian (Jase)

Calista (Reni)

The group finds itself looking for entry into the Xanathar Guild HQ and can’t seem to open the door! Jakama casts Shape Water on the ice that is within the lock from Fenmyar’s Ray of Frost spell. He can feel it almost give, but still no luck: the door remains stubbornly closed. Curses!

Meanwhile, Galadin explores the wall behind the stone coffin that has been moved towards the center of the room. He notices that there may be something behind the wall. He strikes it hard with a Thunderclap spell, knocking it down and exposing a tunnel. He begins to creep down the hallway but stops after he sees the reflections of animal eyes…only they aren’t in pairs, the way the eyes of a stray cat would reflect. Hmmm. What could that mean? Galadin retreats at speed back to the relative safety of the tomb.


Emerging from the newly exposed hallway, a soccer ball-sized creature floats towards the opening. Four eyestalks, which emerge from the top of its bulbous head, wave about in a threatening manner. Its mouthful of needle sharp teeth snap menacingly at the friends. Yikes! Galadin recognizes the creature as a gazer, a sort of miniature beholder. Recall: there was a stuffed beholder hanging in the Olde Xoblob Shoppe. What could that mean?

Fenmyar casts Gust, shoving the gazer back, deep into the hallway. Our heroes, for the most part, are blessed with darkvision and can see the creature, which has recovered too quickly for comfort. The gazer cruises back up the tunnel with vengeance in its five eyes. It hits Fenmyar with its dazing ray, which fools Fenmyar into regarding the gazer as friendly. Yikes!  The gazer attempts to blast Jakama with a fear ray, but fortunately misses. He responds by casting Create Bonfire beneath the small but frightening creature. Jakama then tries to intimidate beast, but the creature cannot be menaced. Then Galadin sends his owl, Big Boy, to fly around the gazer to confuse it. Finally, Lexomel casts a Firebolt spell, and only one of the three flaming darts strike the gazer. The gazer explodes into a pile of guts! Ewww.

Fortunately, Fenmyar’s enchantment ends with the demise of the gazer. Whew!

Across the room, Galadin and Calista redouble their efforts to open the door. Galadin nearly knocks it down with a Scorching Ray, and the door clings by a single hinge. Calista finishes it with a final kick. The door goes down. Unfortunately, after the dust clears, a second gazer is on the other side. Eeep! Fortunately, Galadin’s second Scorching Ray dispatches the evil creature before it poses any real threat to the rest of the party.

elseworlds wiki

After another battle, and one more pile of guts (once more, gross!), Fenmyar cautiously makes his way into this second hallway. The scent is hauntingly familiar….Fenmyar has smelled a stench similar to this recently. Hmmm. Could this be the very place where the friends fought the troll and the troglodytes? We’ll see… next time, BUM BUM BUUUUUMMMMM!

November 8th, 2021

Jakama’s Darkness spell disperses, and the street is shown to be empty of either Floom or his captors. Yagra approaches to suggest they interrogate the remaining Kenku. The group returns inside to discover there are still three on the lower floor of the warehouse. They move cautiously down the stairs, spying several bodies under the raised walkway. These unfortunate fellows bear the tattoos of the Xanathar Guild.

The group members make it clear that they come in peace, and the friends spend some time getting information from them. This takes some time: kenku are a cursed race. They are only able to speak in words they have heard from others. Calista tries sign language, to no avail. Jakama is able to get “Capture! Floom!” from two of them. Does this mean that Floom was intentionally taken by the Xanathar Guild? But then what explains all the bodies with Xanathar tattoos? A mystery.

The group learns from Paderick and Yagra, who both have familiarity with the Guild, that there are Xanathar hideouts all over the city. They believe it is possible poor Floom has been taken to one of the larger ones with an entrance located in Waterdeep’s cemetery. Paderick knows it is hidden beneath the stone with the last name “Youse.” Gamely, the group follows.

Dramatis Personnae

Calista (Reni)

Fenmyar (Freddie)

Galadin (Andrew)

Jakama (Rowan)

Lexomel (Rex)

Obsidian (Jase)


As dawn breaks, the party solemnly walks Coffinmarch Avenue to enter Waterdeep’s City of the Dead. “Here it is,” Paderick says and points. 

Before them, there is a marble monument with “I. C. Youse” inscribed on its front. Atop the monument, a tall, weeping angel stands, her arching wings trailing behind her. The angel’s delicate hands gesture toward the ground…suspiciously, the party thinks. Each of the adventurers takes a turn exploring the statue to see if a catch, button or switch can be located. They push, twist and move every part of the immovable marble angel they can think of, but have no luck. The statue remains still, giving no clue to the secret of the hideout. Grrr!


Finally, Galadin has the idea to touch the tears carved on the angel’s face. Carefully, Jakama climbs atop the monument, balancing up on the plinth. He presses the left tear streaming down the angel’s face. Immediately, Jakama feels a shudder move through the stone and the front face of the monument pops open. In the pale morning light, the friends can now see that a narrow staircase has been revealed. It travels downward into the earth, and the steps look worn down, as if by the passage of many feet. Steeling themselves, they descend into the darkness as the entrance shuts behind them with a click.

They arrive in a room filled with stone coffins. Each is topped with a carved effigy of its occupant, with arms folded across chests. One of the coffins is pulled away from the northern wall, leaving a gap. Another has a damaged lid. In the center of the western wall, a steel door with a lock is secured with a lock, there is no key in evidence. 

Obsidian tries to use his dagger to pick the lock. No luck. Fenmyar’s Ray of Frost spell likewise does nothing to affect the door. Curses!

Calista readies a Firebolt spell after using pigments from his disguise kit to draw a Xanathar tattoo—an orb with ten short spokes—on the back of his hand. Not perfect, but maybe in the poor light no one will notice it’s a fake. Fingers crossed.

Meanwhile, Galadin recruits some of his comrades to drag the displaced coffin even farther out into the room, to check if there is something hidden beneath it. Still no luck. The group elects to lift the heavy stone lid as a team. Instead of a secret entrance to the hideout, the coffin actually contains a mummified body. One bony hand of the mouldering skeleton sports a gold ring, and the robes are closed with a gold pin and belt. The group argues about whether to loot the unfortunate occupant and elect to leave the unfortunate fellow in peace. Instead, they replace the lid and keep looking for the hideout’s entrance.

October 25th, 2021

Dramatis Personae

Obsidian (Jase)

Calista (Reni)

Fenmyar (Freddie)

Galadin (Andrew)

Jakama (Rowan)

Lexomel (Rex)

Faced, weapons drawn, by three of the crow people, the friends contemplate their next move.  Jakama tries a bit of conflict resolution and calls out to the Kenku thugs: “Friends, we come in peace. We don’t have to fight!” In response, two of the feathered warriors step forward, one screeching: “Xanathar sends his regards!” And the other shouts back at him: “Friends! we come in peace!” Jakama realizes only then that Kenku, a race cursed by the Gods, can only utter words they have heard previously. These birdmen bring clues about Xanathar! Good to know.

Unfortunately, the Kenku do not seem as though they might be reasoned with. Jakama lets go with a pair of well-aimed Eldritch Blast spells.

The rat, seeing his home invaded and his new friends under attack, runs down Fenmyar’s arm to leap on to one of the Kenku. Feathers prevent the rat’s bite from being effective, and the birdman kicks the rat away. The Kenku then draws back an arrow and fires at Jakama, injuring him slightly. Ouch! Paderick, their new half-orcish ally, responds by beaning the birdman with a club. Unfortunately, Obsidian’s crossbow bolt arcs wide and misses.

The second Kenku kicks at the skittering rat and misses. In frustration, he slices at Fenmyar with his short sword, screeching, “Xanathar sends his regards,” yet again. Yagra, seeing the rat in danger, swings her mace but misses. Curses!

Fenmyar, far more concerned with the welfare of his new rodent friend than the wound he’s suffered at the wings of the Kenku villain, is now seething. He casts Ray of Frost, which strikes the birdman squarely, illuminating him briefly with icy blue light and sharp frigid pellets of frost that penetrate the creature’s feathers and armor. The birdman falls to the ground. Galadin quickly follows this up with a Firebolt spell, scorching the shiny black feathers, which now smoulder painfully. The bested creature slumps to the floor.

Meanwhile, several rooms away, Lexomel hears nothing. Bored, he pulls open drawers and peers into boxes and sacks, finding little of interest. He wanders into another room to find Calista. Alerted by a noise on the street, Calista strides to the window and gently pulls the curtain back. There, a man in a purple hat with a long red feather is being dragged between several large fellows. They pull him roughly and his hat falls into the gutter. Surely this is the famous second best hat, and the wearer must be the missing Floom! Calista tries to raise the window, but it is painted closed. He asks for Lexomel’s help, and the great arms of the dragonborn have no trouble hoisting the sash. 

The noise alerts the group around Floom. The largest tells the rest, “Bring him to headquarters. I’ll deal with this lot!” He turns to walk towards the window. Calista’s Firebolt spell sizzles harmlessly in the damp gutter. The thug grins evilly as he approaches.

Back inside, Obsidian recognizes that the battle is won. The third Kenku, panicked that his allies had been killed, rushes back down the stairs as Obsidian follows the sizzling noise of spellcasting into the room to find several of his compatriots staring out the window. Obsidian leans out to look up and down the street. He casts a pair of Create Bonfire spells. One is centered in front of the warehouse door, to prevent the thug from entering this building should he get that close. The second he sends into Jakama’s Darkness, not remembering only a  Light spell or a Dispel Magic incantation can counter this particular conjuration. Rats! And not the friendly kind!

Galadin, also drawn by the sound of combat, enters and immediately leaps through the window onto the street. He can see nothing save the roiling globe of blackness that covers Floom and his captors. Risking Floom’s health and safety, Galadin casts a Firebolt spell, but the mote vanishes into the blackness with nary a sound. Lexomel, who joins Galadin in the street, conjures a Mage Hand with a terrifying aspect and sends it into the Darkness, but the hand finds nothing. Curses!

Will nothing allow them to help Floom in this cursed darkness? Keen-eared Obsidian hears the echos of rushing feet from farther down the block, as Floom’s assailants make their get away…double curses!

October 18th, 2021

Dramatis Personae

Jakama (Rowan)

Lexomel (Rex)

Obsidian (Jase)

Calista (Reni)

Fenmyar (Freddie)

Galadin (Andrew)

The group gathers outside of the Skewered Dragon, which now has smoke pouring from windows and doors. They are joined by Jakama, who is revealed as a skeleton adventurer. He had been disguised as a dragonborn, but the fire has revealed his true nature. Yagra, who knows Paderick the Orc bouncer, asks him if his condition hurts. “Not really,” says Jakama, and the group moves on. Paderick, no longer sniffling but red-eyed nonetheless, leads them through a tangle of streets to the warehouse that the Xanathar crew has brought Floom. 

The warehouse sits atop a hill, and a small set of stairs run down the side of the building to a lower yard. The door facing the garage-strewn street is sturdy and new, its lock bright steel. Both of the filthy windows are dark. The place is ominously silent.

Jakama pops his skull off to peer though the keyhole, but to no avail. Galadin pulls thieves’ tools from his pack. At first it looks as though he won’t best the lock, but at last he feels the click as the door finally springs opens. He cautiously peers into the darkened space. It looks to be some sort of waiting room. Several tired armchairs line the wall, and a potted plant in need of water languishes in a corner. Two other closed doors lead to other places in the warehouse. No sound is heard from behind them.


Lexomel pushes past him to explore, then opens the door on the western wall. Galadin kicks at one of the chairs, and is startled when a large rat shoots out of the stuffing and straight up his pant leg. Alarmed, he encourages the animal to exit his clothing by trying to grab it through the cloth. The rat, panicked, bites him. Concerned that he is already injured and the creature may carry diseases, Galadin requests assistance.

Distracted by something he spies under a second chair, Calista reaches in to carefully extract a paper bird, like a bit of magical origami. The paper bird flutters weakly and flaps open, revealing a note inside:

You fools have taken the wrong man. Get rid of him!

Sharing this information, the friends admit this may mean bad things for poor Floom. Calista follows Lexomel into one of the warehouse’s offices, as Fenmyar attempts to assist Galadin with his infestation. From his own pack Fenmyar pulls some of his rations, and coaxes the rat out of Galadin’s clothing, and with his keen animal skills, he is able to gain the creature’s trust. It happily climbs into his breast pocket, munching on the shared food.

In one of the offices, Calista opens a barrel of beer and spills it on the floor by the door in hopes it will trip any who pursue the party. Sadly, the beer seeps between the floor planks and drains into the space below. Curse! Undeterred, Calista scatters dried corn in the same place. The floor will now be dangerous underfoot for those who don’t notice it. The corn slides beneath unwary boots, and their owner may wind up falling. Excellent trap!

Galadin, rat-free, explores what is behind the door on the south wall. Cautiously he opens it, and hears voices echo in this large space. He does not recognize the language that is spoken. Jakama, entering behind him, casts a Comprehend Languages spell and realizes Auran, birdfolk, is being used. Before he can share this, Fenmyar, who has stepped over to the edge of the balcony they are standing on, looks down to see three Kenku, or crow people, looking up at him from below. They rush toward the stairs, climbing with weapons out.

Wizards of the Coast

Yagra and Paderick join the three friends out on the balcony of the warehouse just as arrows from their shortbows fly. Several of the heroes are hit!  Yikes!

October 4th, 2021

The friends stare at the last place they saw the stunned dark elf. The drow has been made invisible by a strike from Fenmyar’s Wild Magic Dagger…yikes! Calista steps up and casts a Detect Magic spell. He slowly scans the room. Each of his comrades glows faintly deep blue, indicating the presence of the magic items they each purchased from Dandelus Ruell at the Old Xoblob Shoppe, but his sharp eyes also distinguish a magical field, now moving rapidly towards Calista and then jigging right toward the stairs! The drow has recovered from Obsidian’s masterfully placed Witch Bolt and is on the move to try and escape the wrath of Floom’s rescuers.

Dramatis Personae

Galadin (Andrew)

Jakama (Rowan)

Lexomel (Rex)

Obsidian (Jase)

Calista (Reni)

Fenmyar (Freddie)

PlayerZed, Deviant Art

Some of the group feel the movement of what surely must be the invisible Eldar as she brushes past to speed up the cellar steps. Jakama thrusts his foot out, attempting to trip her but misses. Drat! He is hopeful that his oil trap at the top of the stairs will catch the drow but is disappointed. Fenmyar conjures an Ice Knife, flings it in Eldar’s direction, and unfortunately misses. He follows up with a Ray of Frost, which ricochets off the cellar’s stone walls. Obsidian casts another Witch Bolt as well as firing his crossbow, but also misses with both of these formidable attacks. As it turns out, invisible things are hard to hit! Obsidian’s spell explodes a crate, sending burning potatoes around the cellar.

Some of the group feel the movement of what surely must be the invisible Eldar as she brushes past to speed up the cellar steps. Jakama thrusts his foot out, attempting to trip her but misses. Drat! He is hopeful that his oil trap at the top of the stairs will catch the drow but is disappointed. Fenmyar conjures an Ice Knife, flings it in Eldar’s direction, and unfortunately misses. He follows up with a Ray of Frost, which ricochets off the cellar’s stone walls. Obsidian casts another Witch Bolt as well as firing his crossbow, but also misses with both of these formidable attacks. As it turns out, invisible things are hard to hit! Obsidian’s spell explodes a crate, sending burning potatoes around the cellar.

Meanwhile, Galadin decides how best to cast Thunderclap to affect the orcs but not his friends. A sharp crack of the bolt echoes in the close cellar as Galadin finishes the words of conjuring, and the orcs each cry out in pain and shock. One guard leans and responds with a snarl. He swings his shortsword, but stumbles before he can injure Galadin. Oops

Stumbling feet are heard the top of the stairs. Then regaining their purchase, they speed off into the taproom of the Skewered Dragon Tavern. Jakama aims a powerful Eldritch Blast at the guard, who crumples, lifeless, to the first floor. “You’ve killed Bill,” cries the stunned guard called Geoffrey, swinging at Jakama. Geoffrey’s aim is affected by these events, and neither swing of his sword hits its marks. Jakama’s second Eldritch Blast ends this fight, as well. Oops, again.

The group considers the prospect of explaining the two bloodied bodies in the cellar to the City Watch. Hmm. This might be a bit tricky, and that says nothing of the very stringent laws against murder in Waterdeep. Yikes.

A sniffle from the only remaining orc, fearful and whimpering in the corner, refocuses the group’s attention. Calista, his blood still up, turns on the unfortunate orc with Burning Hands, scorching the terrified creature slightly. Galadin, feeling sorry for the orc, asks for a moment with him. Using his gifts of persuasion, Galadin is able to convince

Alvaro Torres

the orc to join their party, and to show them the way into the secret hideout of the Xanathar Guild. As a show of faith, the orc tries to give Galiden his club. Galadin presses the greasy club back at the Orc, insisting he keep it.

The group agrees to set a fire in the cellar to cover up the evidence of the evening’s activities. Fenmyar uses his magic, then sprints up the steps last. The group sends up an alarm in the taproom, and the patrons of the Skewered Dragon rush out through the tavern’s front door into the dank streets of the Dock District.

September 27th, 2021

Dramatis Personae

Jakama (Rowan)

Lexomel (Rex)

Obsidian (Jase)

Calista (Reni)

Fenmyar (Freddie)

Galidin (Andrew)

Jakama finishes splashing oil on the basement steps, and nimbly hops over the slippery puddle to join his friends in the cellar. When he reaches the bottom of the stairs, he sees Lexomel, who seems unsure how to respond to their predicament. Jakama pulls out his tinderbox and lights his bullseye lantern…but a lighted lamp already hangs in the cellar. What does Jakama have in mind?

Galadin swings his weapon and misses, then countercasts Light, a spell that banishes every dark corner in the cellar, magical or otherwise. Grateful to be able to see everything once more, dark corner in the cellar, magical or otherwise. Grateful to be able to see everything once more, Lexomel finally decides

what he’ll do. Carefully aiming a spell, he casts Thunderwave. An invisible wall of force spell rolls out from Lexomel to strike two of the three orcs as well as Eldar, the dark elf. One of the orcs is shoved backward into a wall, which causes him to lose his footing and dumps him onto a stack of vegetable bins.

Startled, the uninjured guard attempts to club Jakama but misses. Whew! Jakama responds by casting Disguise Self, making his face so frightening that the guard who beholds it wets his pants and runs to hide in a corner, weeping. Calista strides out of the darkness and Poison Sprays a second guard. The orc turns a delicate shade of green—greener, really—beneath his armor. The guard gags.

Obsidian steps from the inner room and faces Eldar. As he casts Witch Bolt, an arc of electric blue lightning streaks from his fingertips, striking Eldar squarely in the chest. Her eyes roll up and she slumps against a bench, limp.The group celebrates, but only briefly. For Fenmyar, who has stepped out from behind a barrel, unsheaths his Wild Magic and strikes Eldar. The blade only knicks her skin, but an orange pulse of the wild magic surge leaps from the knife tip. Eldar has vanished. Yikes! Fenmyar’s magical blade has turned the evil drow invisible! Curses!!


Well, this is a tough spot. A trio of angry orcs, although one is cowering, and a deadly enemy they can no longer see. What will happen to our heroes?

September 12th, 2021

In the cellar of the Skewered Dragon Tavern, much is happening. With enthusiasm, Galadin is seizing boxes of foodstuffs, bags of vegetables and sacks of rice, sliding each into his bag of holding. Even the largest of objects compress down to fit through the bag’s mouth, and shortly thereafter, the objects can be heard landing within its capacious interior. There is much crunching and breaking from within, and a cloud of what might be flour poofs out from the opening with each item.

In the now revealed concealed room, Lexomel explores. A short ladder leads to a trap door that shows him a door leading to an alley behind the tavern. Lexomel continues exploring the room and opens a drawer in a rickety, small table. Inside it are needles and several bottles of black ink. It appears to be a tattoo kit. His scaled hand shuts the drawer without disturbing the contents.

Upstairs, Fenmyar, Calista and Jakama sit across the table from the mysterious drow, Eldar. Her purple eyes, curtained behind the flow of white hair, glitter at the trio of friends from across the table.

Dramatis Personnae

Lexomel (Rex)

Obsidian (Jase)

Calista (Reni)

Fenmyar (Freddie)

Galidin (Andrew)

Jakama (Rowan)


“So, you’re willing to join the Guild? After I mark you with Xanathar tattoos, you’ll owe us a small service. Nothing too illegal. Or dangerous. Just to show your loyalty.” Gulp! Is this REALLY what the friends want to do, even if they are trying to save Floom?

Le Crueset

The group follows Eldar toward the mysterious staircase. As they near the front door, they pass a pair of angry orc bouncers glaring at their comrade Obsidian. One of the orcs begins sneezing ferociously and repeatedly. Obsidian grins at them as they pass. 

From below them on the stairs, the group hears the drow call out in anger, “What’s all the noise down

here?” Eldur is scanning every corner of the room. Finally, she spies Galadin beneath his magical lace, the source of the sound of heavy items falling.What are you doing here?” Eldar demands furiously. 

“Uh…I’m the new chef?” Galiden lies. “I’m getting some ingredients I need for a recipe?” 

“Empty your bag!” Eldur gestured towards his magical bag of holding.

“I can’t,” Galiden admits. “If I did, the food would get dirty.” Eldur seems reluctantly convinced, but becomes distracted by the opened secret door. Eldar, furious, blazes past Galadin, who has not paused in his looting. She confronts Lexomel, who stands within the secret room. Recall: Lexomel noticed the floor near the dresser was scratched, and cleverly deduced it must move with some frequency. Lexomel, startled, ceases his examination of the space.

“What are you doing in my room,” demands Eldar, furiously. She strides over and yanks a drawer open. Satisfied by what she finds, she slides it closed again. She pushes Lexomel out the door, slamming it. The group can hear shoot the bolt on the other side to lock the door. 

Meanwhile upstairs in the entry hall of the Skewered Dragon, the bouncer orc, Geoffrey has recovered from his sneezing fit. His very large companion, Bouncer orc Bill, glares down at Obsidian, who holds a purple peppermill. Brandishing an unpleasantly long and heavy looking club, Bill snarls, “It’s time for you to leave!” Obsidian, tucking his very useful Xoblob purchase back into his pack, steps out into the night.

Obsidian, determined to get into the cellar somehow, begins a stroll around the outside of the Skewered Dragon. At the mouth of an alley behind the tavern, Obsidian hears a door slam and footsteps approach him. He recognizes the drow Eldur from the bar passing him, headed back toward the bar’s entrance. Obsidian waits for her to

Modellismo Fantasy

be out of view, then explores the alley from which she’s come. The door at the bottom of a smelly staircase is closed but unlocked. Excellent. Obsidian slips in easily.

Searching the room, Obsidian sees nothing of obvious value, but grabs a pick axe leaning in the corner, just in case. From the other side of the closed door, Obsidian hears the voices of his friends, and the voice of the drow, Eldar who sounds quite threatening.Obsidian steps through the door towards the confrontation

Eldar the drow has reentered the cellar, this time with reinforcements. She has brought Bill, Geoffry and a third orcish bouncer, Ted. Eldur casts a Darkness, sending all of the friends into utter blackness. “Come out slowly, and you may yet be allowed to leave this place alive.”

Galiden steps out of the orb of darkness, and is pulled roughly by one of the orcs. Lexomel also steps out, but far enough to avoid the clutches of the bouncers. He regards them warily.

Fenmyar and Calista choose to remain in the inky darkness and try to reason with her. She seems not interested in engaging with them. And they themselves ignore Eldar’s demand to come quietly. “Very well,” seethes the drow, “you will pay the price.” 

From upstairs, Jakama has seen and heard much of this exchange. He uncorks his magical decanter and pours oil across the top step. If their enemies come up the steps, maybe Jakama’s trap will work…


August 30th, 2021

Dramatis Personae

Obsidian (Jase)

Lexomel (Rex)

Jakama (Rowan)

Galadin (Andrew)

Fenmyar (Freddie)

Calista (Reni)

After making their purchases at Ye Old Xoblob Shop, Calista asks the shopkeeper, Dandelus Rench, for help. Calista shares the sad tale of Floom and Raener. From his perch, high upon a purple velvet cushion, Dandelus listens earnestly with one hand clutching the lapels of his magenta silk robe.

The old gnome shakes his head sadly. “This city is not as safe as it was when I was a boy. Roving bands of thieves, smugglers and far worse are everywhere. The Lords of Waterdeep seem to have no control over them.The two worst gangs are the Zhents and the Xanathar Guild.

Every member of the Xanathar Guild I’ve met has this tattoo someplace on their body. Dandelus quickly sketches a circle studded with short spokes on the back of an old receipt. “The Xanathar Guild are a skin-only outfit. No one with scales, fur or feathers can join. He gestures to Lexomel, whose green dragon scales shimmer in the dim mauve light of the shop. “Your friend would not be welcomed.”

Grrrr. A rumble of discontent passes through our party of heroes, acknowledging the unfairness of this rule. Despite none in the party wanting to become a Guild member, the friends are in agreement: any group that leaves someone out because of their appearance stinks….they are just plain unfair.

Dandelus continues: “And the Zhentarim know one another by the dragon shaped clasp each member wears.” Dandelus pulls a black and gold enameled pin from under the counter to show them. “It’s the only thing I own that isn’t purple. Steer clear of those gangs, my friends. They can be dangerous!”

He knows nothing of what became of Floom. Dandelus points his a gnarled finger towards his front window where the stuffed beholder sways gently. “You might ask at the Skewered Dragon, just down Fillet Lane. However, be wise. Both Zhent and Xanathar Guild members will be there, as well as even scarier folk.”

The friends say farewell to Dandelus and follow Yagra back out into the night. Waterdeep’s Dock Ward streets are dark and narrow, and the twisting lanes reeks of garbage and rotting fish. The half-orc leads them to a rusting and decrepit iron banded door. The sign above the reads “The Skewered Dragon.” 


“Watch your step in here, boys,” Yagra whispers. “This is a rough place.”

She shoves the door open and nods at the massive orcish bouncer balanced on a stool at the door. She calls, “Oy, Bill,” as she pushes past. Just beyond a dark stairway leading downward from the taproom, Yagra settles into a booth. It’s large enough for the entire party, and she turns to expectantly to wave them to the corner she’s claimed. But for now the friends are too curious to sit.

Lexomel makes for the stairs, but is stopped by Bill, the bouncer. “No customers in the cellar,” the enormous orc growls. This whets the curiosity of several in the group. The friends begin whispering among themselves, wondering if poor Floom is held captive in such a place. Jakama speaking low to his friends says with an impish grin, “Let’s gain their trust first. Then we can break the rules!” He sidles up to the bar with gold in hand.

Calista, follows him, intending to pass through a door on the back wall of the taproom. However, he is roughly stopped by another large orc with a name tag that says “Geoffry.” 

“Employees only,” grunts Geoffry the bouncer. Disappointed, Calista joins Jakama at the bar. Fenmyar joins them on his own stool. Alfred at the bar takes orders for milkshakes and meals. Calista, in a bid to get information about Floom, casually begins to ask questions about the night he disappeared. Alfred, scratching his head, says he recalls nothing. Fenmyar flips him a gold piece, which the barman catches out of the air. 

 “Well, now that you mention it, them boys mighta been here dicin’ and drinkin’ milkshakes,’’ Alfred shakes his head,“Dunno what two boys are hangin’ around a place like the Dragon for.” 

Jakama flips another gold in Alfred’s direction, who smirks, “Ah, yes, I believe I do recall seeing several fellers follow after Floom and his rich friend when they left here.”

A black dragonborn two barstools away leans in and declares, “They likely took ’em to their hideout. The old warehouse down by the Odd Street dock.” His unblinking green eye glitter in the dark and his forked tongue darts out to the rim of his nearly empty milkshake glass. “Say, was that a dragonborn you came in with?” His clawed hand gestures towards Lexomel. No sooner have the friends agreed they did, when the dragonborn is off his stool with two milkshakes in his hands, making his way to Lexomel.

At a nearby table, a dark elf calls Calista and the others over. The drow introduces herself as Eldar Ravenwing. “Any friend of Floom is a friend of mine,” she says, flipping her white hair out of her violet eyes. Our heroes quickly spot a familiar and ominous tattoo on the back of her hand. Eldar smiles at them as she notices their eyes. “If you want inside the Xanathar warehouse to see your friend Floom, you’ll need to join our little group,” she whispers. The blade she wears on her hip glitters in the gloom of the taproom. “It’s a members only kind of place,” she tells them, “and the Guild will, of course, require a small service from new members. That will be you. If you want to see Floom.”

Ever practical, Calista demands, “Did Zhentarim follow the group that took Floom?” Most certainly, says Eldar, “I could see they wore the pins of their gang on their cloaks.” This is unfortunate news for the friends, but they resolve to join the Xanathar gang to get Floom returned to his dear friend, Volo.

Meanwhile, Galadin stealthily steps away from Bill at the front door and pulls on his patch of magic lace. He vanishes, unnoticed, into one of the many taproom shadows. Stealthily he makes his way down the cellar steps. As his eyes adjust to the dimly lit, musty space, Galadin spots crates and boxes of root vegetables lining the walls. Bunches of spices and ropes of garlic and onions hang from the timbers. A dozen dusty wine bottles lay near a few barrels of what might be ale. Milkshake fixings and some preserved meat are stored chaotically on a wooden bench. Galadin begins to toss some of these things into his bag of holding. He hears one of the wine bottles smash as he drops it in, and wine fumes billow out of the opening.   

Meanwhile, at the front door of the Skewered Dragon, Bill the bouncer glares at Obsidian and Lexomel. Both friends desperately wish to join Galadin in this forbidden cellar. Obsidian decides to test his new purchase. Rummaging in his pack, he pulls out the small purple peppermill. Immediately, specks of pepper fly into the air. Bill and Obsidian himself begin to sneeze violently, giving Lexomel the cover he needs to slip down the cellar steps.

He quickly descends, and finds Galadin distracted by loading items into his bag of holding.  Sharp-eyed Lexomel spots scratches on the floor in front of a dresser against a far wall He shoves it to the side, revealing a door. Not sure what to expect, brave Lexomel turns the knob and passes through this hidden entrance.     

When the sneezing finally stops, Bill gruffly shouts for Geoffry and tells Obsidian it’s time for him to leave the Skewered Dragon. Clever Obsidian, finally getting the hang of how to use the peppermill, grinds a bit of the enchanted spice into his hand before blowing it at the two orcs. Bill, caught full in the face, begins sneezing again. Geoffry, however, only glares at him.

August 9th, 2021

With the battle of the great well successfully completed, our heroes invite Yagra to join their number. They are much impressed with her strength and bravery in the face of both the troll and the thugs. She is pleased to agree.

Volo is very complementary of our heroes. Now assured that they are indeed the right team to find his friend Floom, he provides them with a witness who was present the very night when Floom was last seen. Volo introduces the group to Raener Neverember, who arrives at their table dressed in expensive silks and satins. Blowing the scarlet feather that arches from his hat out of his eyes, Raener takes a seat to tell our brave adventurers his tale of the night Floom disappeared.

It seems that two nights previous, Floom and Raener spent an evening at an unsavory tavern, the Skewered Dragon, in the Dock Ward. After too many milkshakes, Raener’s luck with the dice had deserted him, and Floom had won all his coin as well as his second best cap. “The one with the marvelous purple feather. In truth, it looked far better on Floom,” the young man confesses.

Dramatis Personae

Obsidian (Jase)

Lexomel (Rex)

Jakama (Rowan)

Galadin (Andrew)

Fenmyar (Freddie)

Calista (Reni)

Raener Nevember

Raener finally realized it was time to get home. Wobbling, the friends set out on the long walk back to the north side of Waterdeep. They hadn’t yet left the sketchy Dock Ward when several thuggish individuals stepped out in front of them from an especially nasty smelling alley. The largest of the villains demanded with menace:  “Which of you is Raener Neverember?”

By now Raener, too frightened to speak, said nothing and merely plucks at Floom’s arm, anxious to be gone. Floom, foolish with courage from too many milkshakes, took umbrage with the ruffians. His angry response rang out into the night: “What want you with Raenar Neverember?” Realizing his friend was trying to protect him and wishing to avoid a conflict, Raener tugged on Floom’s arm to hurry him away. But Floom stood firm.

The smallest of the thugs stepped forward and addressed the pair of friends. “Our Black Network has need of much gold. We were told that Raener would be wearing a purple feather tonight.” The thug’s eyes glitter evilly in the darkness as he gestures to Floom, who indeed had Raener’s cap atop his head. As the man points, Raener spots a distinctive pin closing the man’s cloak. Next he turned his attention to the real

Raener: “Tell his daddy, the former Overlord Dagult Neverember, that if he wants his boy back, he’ll need to pay the Zhentarim 2,000 Dragons!” (Recall: In Waterdeep, it is the custom to call gold pieces “dragons.”)

Shadows loom from the alley, and a sharp blow closes Raener’s eyes until dawn. When he is next conscious, Floom and the thugs are gone. Raener realizes Floom has been mistaken for himself! Yikes!

Tearily, Raener reports that a ransom note came to his father, who took it as a poor joke. “Even if I could explain to my father what I was doing in the Dock Ward, he won’t pay a copper piece for poor Floom. And where will I get that kind of gold? When the Zhents discover Floom isn’t me, I’m afraid of what they’ll do to him! The Black Network is ruthless! Can you help?”

The brave heroes, along with new friend Yagra, agree to assist. Yagra offers to guide them to the Dock Ward. On the way, the group spots the city guard arresting several individuals with curious tattoos, and one guard shares that they are arresting rowdy members of the Xanathar Guild, who, reportedly,have been robbing the local citizenry. His captain demands he hush, and encourages the party to move along.

Yagra stops in front of a small shop, her eyes alight: “Before we go on, you really should see this place! If we aren’t long, I suppose Floom can wait.” She stands before a periwinkle building whose half-open door is painted bright purple. Through it and around the friends’ ankles, tendrils of lavender and violet scented smoke curl out into the street.  In the storefront’s enormous picture window, an equally enormous stuffed beholder dangles on a thick chain, twirling very slowly behind the decorative lettering “Ye Old Xoblob Shop.” Pale mauve illumination glows from within. Curious, the friends enter. 

Ye Olde Xoblob Shoppe

A wizened gnome in magenta silk sits cross-legged atop a tufty stool of deepest purple velvet. He peers at them over half-moon spectacles, and his face breaks into a grin.

“Dandalus Rench,” he says, “proprietor of this amazing establishment.” Amazing it certainly is. Stuffed from floor to ceiling with boxes and bags, sacks and barrels, crates and shelves, every visible item is one shade or another of purple. Violet, plum, lavender, wine, amethyst, lilac, mulberry, pomegranate. Every. Single. Object. “As you can see,” Dandalus tells them, “my stock is based upon entirely upon color rather than function. I find it easier this way to decide what to carry. You may certainly look around. Most everything is for sale. For a price.” Daedalus extends a hand to Obsidian, who regards it suspiciously and does not return this gesture.

Quickly, Callista smooths over this uncomfortable moment by asking if any of the objects in the shop are magical. “Of course!” says Dandalus, “but I forget which ones!” Cleverly, Calista casts Detect Magic to identify items he wishes to purchase. He settles on an Unenlightener, which snatches the illumination from lamps, torches and candles. He also purchases a prism that projects a beam of palest purple light. 

Calista offers to play Rock, Paper, Scissors with the others to help winners know which items are magical. Galadin wins when his rock bests Calista’s scissors, but decides to take his time watching the others shop. Next Calista’s paper covers Jakama’s rock, but he nonetheless chooses two objects which both turn out to be magical. The first item Jakama selects unfolds into a square of deep purple lace. Danadlus gets very excited: “One of my favorite objects!! When draped across the face and over the top of the head, it allows the wearer to hide in shadows!”  Jakama rejects this and instead opts for a tiny wine-colored cruet. When uncorked, a gallon of random oil pours forth. Sometime it’s olive oil, sometimes lamp oil, sometimes hair oil. “A great deterrent if you are being chased,” notes Jakama, his eyes twinkling, not caring which type of oil he trips pursuers with.

At Dandalus’ suggestion, Obsidian plucks up what looks like a wrinkled grape. He sets it upon the purple planked floor and it immediately inflates into a pony-sized scorpion. Dandalus herds the creature out of the shop. Obsidian rejects this for an enchanted purple peppermill. With each turn of the handle, the magical grains cause ferocious sneezing in anyone within the radius of effect. Obsidian tests this. Once the sniffling ends, Dandalus is happy to take Obsidian’s gold.

Winning his game against Calista, Fenmyar’s chooses a dagger with a wine colored grip. Daedalus tells him that with each successful strike of this blade, a surge of Wild Magic occurs. Dandalus also warns him about the risks of Wild Magic: not all surges will be helpful, and that’s what makes them so very wild. Fenmyar gleefully pays for the item and adds the new magic dagger to his belt. This will most certainly make combat more interesting. 

Thoughtfully, Lexomel plucks up a tiny bluish-red bell which appears to be missing its clapper. “Ahh,” says Dandalus, “you’ve found the Opening Bell. Few ordinary door locks can stay firm against this object.” He allows Lexomel to experiment by locking him outside Ye Old Xoblob Shoppe and allowing him to use the bell, with a single shake, to open the purple door. Remarkable!

Galadin, in the meanwhile, has decided that he will indeed purchase the Shadow Lace that Jakama decided he did not want. He tucks it away carefully in his pocket, sure it will be useful.

Thus equipped, the friends set off into the night to find out what happened to Floom.