April 26th, 2021

Our heroes, still moving in two separate parties within the storm sewers beneath the city of Barrowmore, have yet to find one another. Despite Lexomel hearing the distant voices of their other friends, Galadin and Lexomel decide they will rest. They leave brave Calista on guard duty, wherein not a darn thing happens, so heContinue reading “April 26th, 2021”

April 19th, 2021

Dramatis Personae Calista (Reni) Fenmyar (Freddy) Galidan (Andrew) Jakama (Rowan) Lexomel (Rex) Obsidian (Jase) Our heroes are still moving in two separate parties within the dank and mysterious storm sewers beneath the city of Barrowmore. Calista, Lexomel and Galiden have discovered what must surely be the meeting place for followers of Talos, the chaotic andContinue reading “April 19th, 2021”

April 12th, 2021

Dramatis Personae Calista (Reni) Fenmyar (Freddy) Galidan (Andrew) Jakama (Rowan) Lexomel (Rex) Obsidian (Jase) When last we checked in with our heroes, they had defeated a huge and vicious troll with the assistance of Good King Dugong, Ruler of the Manatees. Also helping with their victory was the sorcerer Obsidian, a new adventurer who hasContinue reading “April 12th, 2021”

April 5th, 2021

Dramatis Personae Calista (Reni) Fenmyar (Freddy) Galidan (Andrew) Jakama (Rowan) Lexomel (Rex) Obsidian (Jase) King Dugong Ruler of the Manatees A very unpleasant troll We open with Obsidian, a human sorcerer, who is exploring the storm sewers beneath the kingdom of Barrowmore. His keen ears alert him that someplace close there is the scrum ofContinue reading “April 5th, 2021”