November 29th, 2021

Galadin and his owl continue cautiously down the narrow hallway. Galadin realizes that the odor is familiar. Very familiar, in fact. As the body of the dead troll and several troglodytes come into view where they lay on the banks of the sewer chamber, Galadin makes the connection: This is the place where King Dugong and his manatee subjects were held captive! Of course!

While Galadin does not hear the stealthy approach of footsteps, his faithful owl, Big Boy, alerts him to impending danger. Galadin only just jumps back, confronted with an angry hobgoblin. The creature swings his longsword, injuring Galadin slightly. He responds by snapping a Firebolt spell at the hobgoblin before sending his owl back up the hall and out of danger. Unfortunately, Galadin’s searing bolt ricochets off the wall and is extinguished in the pool of sewer water behind his target. Curses! The hobgoblin is now joined by his ally, and Galadin begins to worry.

Behind him, Fenmyar launches three sling bullets in rapid succession at the hobgoblins. The armor the cursed creatures wear protects them from any real damage. Curses! Weighing his options, Fenmyar summons the cantrip Shape Water to encase the head of a very surprised hobgoblin in a floating orb of filthy liquid, which rises up from out of the sewer. Yuck!

Dramatis Personnae

Calista (Reni)

Fenmyar (Freddie)

Galadin (Andrew)

Jakama (Rowan)

Lexomel (Rex)

Obsidian (Jase)

agginmad on Reddit

Next to Fenmyar, Lexomel heaves his Javelin of Lightning as he enters the tunnel. He launches this amazing magical weapon towards his wide-eyed target. The javelin crackles and sparks as it sails towards the hobgoblin, casting spooky illumination throughout the rough hewn slimey stone tunnel. Unfortunately, the hobgoblin is able to dodge the projectile. The javelin plunges with an explosive electrical splash into the mud at the bottom of the smelly sewer’s pool. Only its end remains visible above the surface of the now steaming water.

The steely gaze the hobgoblin locks on Lexomel in response turns to uncertainty as Lexomel draws a second magical weapon. As he slides the Dagger of Firey Vengeance from its ornate scabbard, the blade ignites with a flicking orange flame along its exposed length. The amazing weapon finds its mark, and the hobgoblin drops. Unfortunately, the cube of water around the hobgoblin’s head extinguishes the dagger’s magic, and the filthy water loses its shape as the boundary of the spell’s magic is breached.

His infuriated ally steps over this fallen comrade to meet Paderick, the orc bouncer from the Skewered Dragon. Paderick has pushed into the tunnel and confronts these enemies. With a mighty swing of his short sword, Paderick misses! Yikes! The hobgoblin snarls and strikes poor Paderick down. Slumping to the floor, Paderick is perilously near death! Will someone be able to bind his wounds before….well, the end?

Aarchaic on Deviant Art

The hobgoblin steps over Paderick’s body and enters the tomb chamber. Fenmyar’s twin spells, Gust of Wind and Unseen Servant, travel towards the hobgoblin in rapid succession. Unfortunately, the hobgoblin resists them both, either from being pushed over or having his weapon pulled away from him.

D. Alexander

Meanwhile, in the tunnel, Fenmyar’s brave golden eagle, Jeff the Sandwich, soars up the hall towards Yagra. Unfortunately for Jeff, he is moving so rapidly he fails to notice three threatening figures emerging from a door to the west. Yikes! 

Fortunately, Calista’s bird, Nuggies, and their orcish ally, Yagra, have followed Jeff and spy the danger. Yagra cries out a warning and Nuggies darts into the stone chamber to the east, hoping to stay out of striking distance. Yagra is quickly overwhelmed by foes. Two mass hobgoblins rise up behind a duergar, a stout armed and armored dark dwarf, fall upon her. Her mace is no defense against three as she sustains the blows from such powerful enemies. Yagra desperately calls out again to her allies.  Who will come to help?

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