August 1st, 2021

Dramatis Personnae

Calista (Reni)

Fenmyar (Freddie)

Galadin (Andrew)

Jakama (Rowan)

Lexomel (Rex)

Obsidian (Jase)

They also are able to spy the source of the furious buzzing. Several flitting creatures, looking between somewhere between large bats and oversized mosquitos, are ascending with the troll. Each have multiple legs ending in sharp pincers and long, needle-like probosces pointed toward the tavern patrons. But what are they?!

D&D Beyond

Well, our heroes had hoped to discover what was making such racket at the bottom of the massive well in the Yawning Portal Tavern. They do, as it  turns out. In the glow of a Chromatic Orb spell sent into the abyss by Obsidian, they discover the threatening growl and horrific stench is caused by a troll. And the creature is climbing up the rough walls of the great well at speed. Eeep!

D&D Beyond

As the troll crests the lip of the abyss, several of these small, flying creatures come boiling out of the darkness. Now, a few of the friends recognize these softball-sized, hideous beasts for what they are: stirges! Yuck!  They are following the troll to the surface, and drone around our heroes in anticipation of a blood meal, attempting to sting any skin not covered by armor or clothing.

Poor Calista is painfully attacked. Undeterred, he bravely leaps astride his Broom of Flying and speaks the command word. Lifting off on this marvelous, magical construct, Calista darts over the edge of the well.  By now, the troll is pulling itself up by the rim of the yawning void. It reaches to attack the nearest of our brave adventurers!

Fortunately, Lexomel sees the troll and stirges approaching. Bravely, he seizes a chair and flings it at the enemies, and then is rebuked by the Durnan the tavern owner: “Not the furniture! That chair will be on your bill!!” Eyes rolling, Lexomel instead opts to breathe out a cone of poison gas, which engulfs the troll and one of the stirges. Although the stirge zooms through the noxious blast unaffected, the troll turns an even more unflattering shade of green as the toxin affects it. Galadin adds to the troll’s misery with a well aimed crossbow bolt.

Clever Jakama, swarmed by stirges, telepathically commands his pseudodragon fly at the troll. The tiny creature takes to the air and carries out its summoner’s will. The troll is zapped by the tiny dragon’s poisonous stinger, which pierces the troll’s thick hide, but sadly does not deploy its payload of poison. Curses!

Fenmyar, dodging a stirge attack, then sends several bullets using his sling. He follows this by casting a well-aimed but ineffectual Ray of Frost at the

dazed, dangling troll. The frigid beam of blue-white streaks forth from Fenmyar’s fingertips.  Sharp crystals of ice spatter the troll but still the creature manages to cling on to the well’s rim.

Volo, the new friend and potential employer of our heroes, steps up to assist with a pair of well intentioned but poorly aimed swings of his maul. The steel hammerhead of this weapon hisses wickedly through the air, crunching harmlessly on the stone next to the troll’s fingers.

Wizards of the Coast

Durnan, who wields a huge great sword, also misses, but Obaya the Cleric has better luck. She connects with a mighty blow of her mace, but still the troll clings stubbornly to the lip of the well, stunned.

Obsidian sends his eagle, Cutie, to attack the dazed creature. Cutie dodges stirges and slashes at the troll but to no avail. Rats! Obsidian follows this with a pair of his own powerful Witch Bolt spells. Twin jagged blue streaks of lightning lance out from his hands, and both hit home. The troll, though taking damage, begins to regenerate before their eyes, even as the smell of ozone lingers from Obsidian’s magic. Jakama, recalling that trolls can heal themselves rapidly from any injury excepting from flame, casts a Fire Bolt spell, scorching the creature’s leathery hide.

Fenmyar climbs to the edge of the well and uses his dagger to pry the trolls talons lose from the well’s edge. One finger…two! The troll begins shaking its heavy head, as though recovering from its benumbed state, then begins to blink. Fenmyar employs his blade on the third claw, and sees the troll’s eyes narrow as it snarls in recognition of its precarious position. Redoubling his efforts, Fenmyar goes to work on the fourth and final talon, just as the troll lunges to grab him with his other hand….and misses! The troll tumbles and becomes smaller and smaller, dropping end over end into the abyss of the well. Fenmyar can hear his undignified landing and shuffling away as the troll retreats to its lair at the bottom of the well. Not dead, but not returning–whew! 

With relief, the heroes regard one another, wondering what will come next. I suppose we’ll find out.

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