August 9th, 2021

With the battle of the great well successfully completed, our heroes invite Yagra to join their number. They are much impressed with her strength and bravery in the face of both the troll and the thugs. She is pleased to agree. Volo is very complementary of our heroes. Now assured that they are indeed theContinue reading “August 9th, 2021”

August 1st, 2021

Dramatis Personnae Calista (Reni) Fenmyar (Freddie) Galadin (Andrew) Jakama (Rowan) Lexomel (Rex) Obsidian (Jase) They also are able to spy the source of the furious buzzing. Several flitting creatures, looking between somewhere between large bats and oversized mosquitos, are ascending with the troll. Each have multiple legs ending in sharp pincers and long, needle-like probosces pointedContinue reading “August 1st, 2021”