June 21st, 2021

The friends regard this newcomer: though Pradjed is clad in chainmail, the copper scales of a Dragonborn are visible. They are grateful he arrived just in time to assist in the dispatching of the otyugh. They make introductions, agreeing to rest and try to recover some health and spell abilities.

The first few hours go by peacefully, but soon the sound of distant growling and heavy, splashing footfalls are heard. The party members recognize this as another troll! Will they ever get a moment to catch their breath? A huge shadow looms from the tunnel to the north, and the party makes ready for more combat. This troll is even larger than the first. Yikes!

Dramatis Personae

Calista (Reni)

Fenmyar (Freddy)

Galadin (Andrew)

Jakama (Rowan)

Lexomel (Rex)

Obsidian (Jase)

Prandjed (Colin)

Wizards of the Coast

The group members brace themselves for frontal assault. Pandjed lets loose a pair of javelins, and sadly each misses its mark. Jakama disguises himself as a water genasi to scare the troll, but alas, the troll seems undeterred and swipes savagely at Jakama, grievously injuring him. Lexomel sends his guardian drake, Prelexo, closer for a tail strike. Curses! It misses!

From the mouth of another tunnel, this one to the east, comes high-pitched chattering. The footfalls and squeaking draconic speech can be heard approaching the party, who ready

themselves. A group of kobolds, tiny dragonkin, appear, swarming from the mouth of the tunnel up and over the troll. It roars its displeasure. But two of these kobolds stay back. These creatures are different from the others…tougher seeming, somehow.

Suddenly, a kobold wearing a leather hood and mantle strikes the troll, hard, twice with its spear. This is unusual for kobolds, who are usually weak enemies who use strength of numbers instead of brawn to overwhelm opponents. But this kobold causes actual damage. The second raises what looks suspiciously like a spell focus: in his tiny claw he holds a staff topped with a gem. Casting in Draconic, his scorching ray lances out of his staff, searing the troll, which howls again!

Clearly, these are two kobolds to be reckoned with.

Fenmyar sends arrows from his longbow before he dismisses the current instance of his guardian drake. Clever Fenmyar wants a version of Little Bud who breathes something other than icy cold, and begins conjuring one. Obsidian uses a spell to magically create a bonfire in the scrum. Jakama sends an Eldritch Blast spell and Calista a Fire Bolt spell, but still the two tough kobolds and the troll rise from the banks of the canal, threatening our heroes…Eeep!

We’ll have to wait until next time to find out what happens to our intrepid heroes.

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