May 24th, 2021

The six friends contemplate how best to open the locked iron gate and free the manatees. But suddenly Jakama and Calista become aware of a familiar smell. Well, less a smell and more of a ….stench? Curses! The troglodytes are back! Their backs against the gate, there is nowhere for our heroes to hide! Jakama conjures a Mage Hand, hoping to repeat the group’s earlier successful scare. Bravely, our heroes wait, listening to the enemy approach. 

The troglodytes seem a bit upset with our heroes.

Dramatis Personnae

Calista (Reni)

Fenmyar (Freddy)

Galadin (Andrew)

Jakama (Rowan)

Lexomel (Rex)

Obsidian (Jase)

But quick-thinking Galadin rushes forward to use his Mold Earth spell. It transmogrifies the mud and floating timbers into a partial wall that the group can use as cover. Lexomel sends his young dragon, Prelexo the guardian drake, through the gap at the top of the new wall. Prelexo positions himself and breathes a blast of poison, disabling two of the four trogs. But two still are coming at the wall. Brave Obsidian ultimately defeats one of them with a well-aimed Witch Bolt.

Fenmyar commands his own guardian drake, Little Bud, to send a blast of cold against the third troglodyte. Disappointingly, it only freezes the sewer wall near the threatening creature. Curses! But clever Fenmyar recovers to deploy a Fog Cloud around the fourth trog, effectively blinding him. What will happen next?!

We’ll have to wait to find out what happens to our brave adventurers until June 6th, when we expand the fun for an extra 30 minutes for summer!

See you then~ Dee the DM

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