April 26th, 2021

Our heroes, still moving in two separate parties within the storm sewers beneath the city of Barrowmore, have yet to find one another. Despite Lexomel hearing the distant voices of their other friends, Galadin and Lexomel decide they will rest. They leave brave Calista on guard duty, wherein not a darn thing happens, so he plays solitaire. And, wow! Calista wins! Yay!

When Lexomel and Galadin wake, this intrepid trio decide they will NOT rejoin the others, Instead they cast off in their little boat to explore the storm sewers on their own. Sailing east then north, they encounter the rotting skeletons of several giant rats on a narrow beach. Yuck! Overcome by revulsion, the group turns the craft and sail south.

The trio comes to another small underground beach. Sharp-eyed Galadin spies a door. Although it is locked, he cleverly deploys his thieves’ tools and successfully opens this impediment. It is still night, and they find themselves outside again, on a rundown dock. They can see the beach they accessed from the Temple of Talos just across the small bay. As they move past heaps of fishing tackle, both Lexomel and Galadin accidentally fall through the rotted planks to the ocean below. Fortunately, each brave adventurer is able to swim, and can haul themselves up and out of the fetid water using ropes from one of the boats moored there.

Dramatis Personae

Calista (Reni)

Fenmyar (Freddy)

Galidan (Andrew)

Jakama (Rowan)

Lexomel (Rex)

Obsidian (Jase)

A good deal of loot

A large number of fish

A buried chest

by Tyler Forseth-Agnew

Finally in extreme anticipation of vast treasures, our heroes gleefully begin to open the numerous barrels and crates on this rickety wooden structure. Prying up the first they discover…fish. Hmm. The next crate yields a huge quantity of…fish. On and on it goes…nothing but fish, fish, fish! Each of the barrels, boxes and crates contains fish. Curses!

Hopping back into their small boat, the disappointed crew returns to the temple beach to consider their next move. Just then, sharp-eyed Lexomel spies tiny crabs, disappearing into a hole in the sand. Callista begins to dig and quickly strikes the hard surface of a buried chest. What could it contain? Hmmm.

Meanwhile, clever Fenmyr has cracked the code on the stout iron. He explains his insight to the others: the code is made up of three numbers that when either added together or multiplied together must give the same result. These three digits must be arranged from biggest to smallest. Fenmyr carefully depresses the buttons for digits “3-2-1,” and the trio of friends collectively hold their breath. Suddenly, the heavy iron door hisses open to reveal a mysterious chamber within.

Delighted, the friends take in a veritable trove of goods. But beyond the crates, barrels and sacks, a wooden staircase rises to a closed trapdoor on the ceiling. This is concerning for the trio. Jakama’s Mage Hand spell is unable to push it open: something weighing more than ten pounds must surely be atop the hatch! Undeterred, the adventurers begin to search through the items in the room for valuables.

Obsidian opens a crate that contains six castoff chainmail shirts.  However, no one in their trio save Fenmyr is trained to wear such armor without clinking. This kind of noise risks alerting opponents when attempting to be stealthy. An important thing for both Obsidian and Jakama to consider before donning one of these as added protection. But the chain shirts are valuable nonetheless, and can be resold at a profit. They tuck them away in their packs.

The group finds some other items that may be useful. Eventually, the friends evenly share between them the six tanglefoot grenades, six vials of acid and the six thunderstones they have found: two of each per friend. Finally, Fenmyr opens a sack and discovers it contains 2400 silver pieces, and the group agrees to share these evenly amongst the three of them.

After dividing the loot, the trio begins to discuss what they think is holding the trap door closed. A puzzle. What could possibly be up there?

Something to be reckoned with, eventually.

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