April 19th, 2021

Dramatis Personae

Calista (Reni)

Fenmyar (Freddy)

Galidan (Andrew)

Jakama (Rowan)

Lexomel (Rex)

Obsidian (Jase)

Our heroes are still moving in two separate parties within the dank and mysterious storm sewers beneath the city of Barrowmore.

Calista, Lexomel and Galiden have discovered what must surely be the meeting place for followers of Talos, the chaotic and selfish god of storms. Calista shares the tome he’s found, and Galiden is able to translate some of it. He identifies three different prayers in this leatherbound book: a Prayer to Calm the Sea, a Prayer to Call a Storm, and a Prayer to Raise the Tides. Lexomel, in the company of his Guardian Drake, Prelexo, takes the ceremonial dagger from the makeshift temple, noting the dried blood on the blade. Yuck!

The group debates the wisdom of putting their boat into the ocean from the beach outside, but they elect to return to the sewers. After all, they have agreed to search for King Dugong’s manatee subjects held captive somewhere in this terrible underground canal complex. And who knows? Maybe there will be some treasure in it for our brave heroes.

Meanwhile, Fenmyar and Jakama help their new comrade Obsidian, sputtering and dripping, from the bottom of the canal. But now, how to cross safely? Fortunately the intrepid friends have spotted a plank of wood on the far side of this deadly canal. Jakama is able to cast a Mage Hand spell to drag the board into place across its span. The three are able to cross safely. Whew! 

They investigate the chamber that surely must have been the lair of the now-deceased troll. There are plenty of fish bones and rat skeletons, but little else of value. Continuing further into the tunnels, the group discovers a heavy, banded iron door.  Surely something quite valuable must be behind such a sturdy door. But sadly, it is solidly locked with no apparent keyhole. So how to open it?

Sharp-eyed Jakama and Fenmyar find a panel of the ten numerical digits. Scratched into the nearby stone are three mysterious clues:

What could this mean? Hashtag wha? Maybe there is some other meaning here. It is possible, when the trio reunites with their three other friends, that they might pool their wits to figure out how to decode this puzzle and open the treasury door. We can only hope.

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